
Have a glorious weekend

Have a lovely weekend you nice sausages - her's our Jack demonstrating how he'll be kicking back this next coupla days.

Here are some things we liked this week

Orangutang and babies - I'm really sorry, I know you probably have things to do but you could take 5 minutes right?

Marimekko - knocking it out the park as usual with their latest floral.

This exhibition! - get down there! (if you're in London)

This swimming pool might not be so secret any more, see you there!

Izzy Knowles making nice things (with my fabric)

This is too much! How can that be real? Jeeps. Technology.



 Well Clerkenwell Design Week is rolling along nicely - we're designing a couple of florals which we're not ready to show you yet: maybe tomorrow. And we've been talking to lots of lovely customers about printing and making things.
We're also running our #ftfloral hashtag on Instagram which is throwing up some really inspiring things! It's also nice to talk to people online: cement our little community. You can join in if you're on Instagram: just add the hashtag to your favourite pictures of flowers or florals.


A bunch of flour.

Did you know that after flour companies in the 1930s noticed people were making clothes from their flour sacks they started printing them with floral patterns.
That's nice huh? - you can find out more here.


Have a lovely weekend.

Have a lovely weekend folks - we're going to be working a little bit, Takako will be in the shop tomorrow and we'll both be readying ourselves for that big old load of work next week. (Though I might manage a daytrip to the seaside on Sunday). Here's a nice pic of dirty charcoal work

And here are our best things for the week:

90s RuPaul - just the best. WERK!

Jennifer Higgie on Instagram - always topping us up with inspiring 20th century artists.

Space themed vintage baubles - we didn't know that was a thing. Imagine having to package that for the post.

Talking to children - or adults. Nice idea from Nuria Perez.

And finally - Mieke's face cushion.

See you Monday!

Takako and Jo.



More florals

Still thinking about florals in preparation for next week. It would be unethical not to give a nod to the undisputed champion of painting flowers: Mary Fedden.

We salute you Queen Mary - thanks for all the beauty.


Botanical illustrations

We're getting excited for our florals event next week. I've ben ogling botanical illustrations this morning: having an interweb adventure.
Botanical illustrator might be making it's way up the dream job list.


Drinks for Caitlin

We had a lovely time toasting Caitlin's new exhibition in the shop. Thank you to everyone who turned up . . . here's a rubbish crowd shot:

Goose came along. But was unfortunately was beaten to the 'cutest attendee' title by . . . 

. . . Liz. Yes, I don't know how she does it: that lipstick, grey scarf combo - so cute.

Our glorious neighbour Alice came and snapped up one of our limited edition scarves, which she looks awesome in.

And a nice time was had by all.

The exhibition is up now until the 17th so come along and see!