

We got new sign out side of Family Tree shop!

We worked with design consultancy Gilles and Cecilie Studio. They came up with this fun and cheerful design, getting idea from traditional hand drawn shop signs.
We think this is the perfect representation of what Family Tree shop is all about!

Gilles and Cecilie Studio has brand new website with all the recent works. Every solutions they come up with are completely impressive! It's worth visiting the site, you are guaranteed to feel happy!


Naive Tableware by Vanja Bazdulzi

We are really happy and excited to stock Naive Tableware by Vanja Bazdulzi. All the pieces are made by Vanja in clay at her London studio.
Follow us on instagram for more frequent news update!



We had a first meeting of #knittingknights last week.
I always believe best ideas could be born from gathering of random group of people. We had no aim or purpose, just brought our own half knitted bits, shared slice of cake and nice cups of teas.

I also believe everyone loves to gather and chat. Chatting definitely makes me happy and keeps me sane! We shared some knitting tips, planned what we want to make next. We decided to make #knittingknights evening at least once a month thing. Hopefully more people will join us next time.

photos by Nao Shimizu